bicycle noseless saddles
When you sit on a traditional bike saddle, you put an enormous amount of pressure on your perineum.
That the place from your "black hole" to your "family jewels sack", which is exactly where pressure isn't supposed to go.
As The New York Times reports:
This means prolonged bicycling in the saddle, can cause genital problems.
From full on erectile dysfunction, to erections that won't last as long, to numbness in the nethers (which affects both men and women).
And this isn't just limp speculation, it's backed up by hard science.
The proof, as the Times reports, is in a couple of horrifying-sounding devices.
well that sucks.
There is a suggested solution which is using "split saddles" or "noseless saddles" instead of standard seats.
these "Noseless" saddles are basically two separate saddles next to each other, with one smaller "saddle" per buttock.
Such saddles achieve a relief of pressure from the perineum by using a different design.
So here are a few seats that will make your balls happy:
- EasySeat 2:
click here to buy - The SpiderFlex:
- ISM Sport Saddle:
click here to buy